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    NEW YORK, Sept 26 (Reuters) - The dollar gained broadly onThursday, recouping losses from the previous session, afterstronger-than-expected U.S. weekly jobless claims data favoredthe view that the Federal Reserve will wind-down is stimulusprogram this year.
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    Cargill's size and scope continued to expand in the 65countries where it operates and employs 140,000 people. Thecompany said it currently has $2.6 billion of majoragricultural, food and energy projects under construction orrecently opened in 14 countries around the world. That includesa large poultry complex that will process 60 million chickens ayear in Anhui province, China.
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    Representative Jim McGovern of Massachusetts suggested that the president withdraw his request before it is defeated, saying on CNN's "State of the Union" that there was insufficient support for it in Congress.
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    Crystal Brown, 49, holds a photo of her daughter Olivia Brown, 23. The young woman’s suspected killer, Michelle (Mohawk) Graham, was arrested Wednesday after the mourning mother spotted Graham at the Lincoln Houses, where the shooting took place.
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    Shah Rukh Khan says he wasn’t plagiarizing from Rowling’s Harvard speech while speaking at a managment association. He was just recycling a world famous quote without citing her name. Is this turning into J. K. Rowling and the Half-Truth Prince?
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  • igavuzu on 2023-Mar-12 13:02:49 igavuzu said

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  • icgakgasi on 2023-Mar-17 07:44:17 icgakgasi said

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  • ewejajako on 2023-Mar-17 13:09:46 ewejajako said

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  • atyukufavofo on 2023-Mar-19 04:45:46 atyukufavofo said

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  • avunenuqyu on 2023-Mar-20 07:27:15 avunenuqyu said

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  • uoxeljigum on 2023-Mar-20 07:49:32 uoxeljigum said

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  • alidevah on 2023-Mar-20 12:18:10 alidevah said

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  • iereayjaxel on 2023-Mar-20 12:34:38 iereayjaxel said

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  • aoconolobi on 2023-Mar-21 04:58:28 aoconolobi said

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  • aoconolobi on 2023-Mar-21 05:12:43 aoconolobi said

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  • izagxofa on 2023-Mar-21 05:19:45 izagxofa said

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  • sonedubaz on 2023-Mar-21 11:01:17 sonedubaz said

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  • qizable on 2023-Mar-21 11:22:49 qizable said

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  • ematometubo on 2023-Mar-21 15:37:04 ematometubo said

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  • ozekuxuqeix on 2023-Mar-21 16:01:04 ozekuxuqeix said

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  • afufasjirati on 2023-Mar-22 12:18:40 afufasjirati said

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  • eyirika on 2023-Mar-22 16:57:32 eyirika said

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  • udugivavo on 2023-Mar-22 17:15:13 udugivavo said

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  • enkapurrayoe on 2023-Mar-22 22:55:56 enkapurrayoe said

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  • otoxajihuver on 2023-Mar-26 00:16:57 otoxajihuver said

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  • ijokegent on 2023-Mar-26 00:40:04 ijokegent said

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  • ohipasir on 2023-Mar-27 18:51:46 ohipasir said

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  • inehoxezede on 2023-Mar-27 19:14:22 inehoxezede said

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  • acesocuwug on 2023-Mar-28 16:25:12 acesocuwug said

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  • gidoweeh on 2023-Mar-28 16:57:49 gidoweeh said

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  • akiisefoien on 2023-Apr-05 22:55:27 akiisefoien said

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  • cohegiwoso on 2023-Apr-05 23:12:23 cohegiwoso said

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  • kaemobo on 2023-Apr-17 18:46:10 kaemobo said

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  • kaemobo on 2023-Apr-17 18:50:40 kaemobo said

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  • uzrabimatayis on 2023-Apr-17 19:01:29 uzrabimatayis said

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  • uzrabimatayis on 2023-Apr-17 19:05:52 uzrabimatayis said

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  • iditaviguc on 2023-Apr-18 06:51:36 iditaviguc said

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  • uzoruyc on 2023-Apr-18 07:07:18 uzoruyc said

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  • amocavo on 2023-May-11 19:45:49 amocavo said

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  • daokkaet on 2023-May-11 20:02:18 daokkaet said

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  • ukibaoza on 2023-Jun-05 10:53:21 ukibaoza said

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  • ayorowu on 2023-Jun-05 14:56:11 ayorowu said

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  • ajowuzohepo on 2023-Jun-05 15:26:45 ajowuzohepo said

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  • oraiwewuh on 2023-Jun-10 03:18:07 oraiwewuh said

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  • eqilepanixita on 2023-Jun-10 03:52:10 eqilepanixita said

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  • utepepurri on 2023-Jul-08 18:40:08 utepepurri said

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  • upupipo on 2023-Jul-08 19:07:35 upupipo said

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  • ifuqopew on 2023-Jul-12 11:00:48 ifuqopew said

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  • seqagun on 2023-Jul-12 11:19:12 seqagun said

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